
A mobile phone suddenly exploded while being repaired in India.

According to Indian media reports, in Lalitpur, Uttar Pradesh, a customer took his mobile phone to a shop due to a charging problem, and as soon as the shopkeeper started to fix it, the phone exploded.

It can be seen in the video that the mobile phone caught fire as soon as the shopkeeper removed the battery.


As soon as the fire broke out, both the shopkeeper and the customer retreated and were unhurt in the accident.

A Twitter user shared the video of the incident and wrote that a mobile phone exploded during repair work in Uttar Pradesh's Lalitpur.

 The police say that they are aware of the matter and the incident is being investigated.

It should be noted that a few years ago in a restaurant in India, a citizen's mobile phone exploded in his pocket as a result of which he was injured.

CTV footage shows that a citizen is eating in a hotel and suddenly the mobile phone explodes causing him to jump while others in the hotel run away.