
Here is a list of new features in new Event Gear Front

             Playzone Analysis

             Vehicle Air Drop

             Supply Scan

             Gliding Doll

             Black Market


             Lucky Backpack

             Healing smoke

Gliding Doll

You can scale tall designs and jump over rooftops with the assistance of the Gliding Doll ability, which will work on your development. Hop and utilize the capacity to get a major lift.

Healing Smoke

As well as giving cover, this capacity additionally mends you while inside the ability's AOE. Healing Smoke has a 3-minute cooldown, in spite of the fact that you can have two charges close by.

Vehicle Airdrop

In the event that you play Gear Front in squad mode, this is worthwhile. It has a 3-minute cooldown and produces a vehicle airdrop.

Supply Scan

The expertise will stamp progressed supplies like Level 3 gear, a 8X extension, a M4, an AKM, and a lot more when you initiate it.


Trace enemies briefly with your shots to follow them even through deterrents.

Lucky Backpack

Builds the default heap of the backpack, and arbitrarily changes  over things into one more thing of a similar kind.

Playzone Analysis

Continuously know where the following safe zone is!

Black Market

Immediately construct an underground market shop to buy things helpfully.