imran khan long march


Long march will start on Friday from Lahore to Islamabad, will not enter red zone: Imran Khan

Imran Khan said that Tehreek-e-Insaaf's long march in Islamabad will not break any law or enter the red zone.

"I am a political party," he said during his press conference. I will not hold the feet of America. I am the representative of the people, I have to unite the people. It has been shown to the public again and again. No one has held such big meetings.

All the political parties got together, yet we won two by-elections. (We) are not going to do any fighting in Islamabad. We do not have to break any law, nor go to the red zone, whatever happens in Islamabad will be as per the permission of the court. We have not broken any law.

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They say that if there is any disturbance in it, people from among them will do it. We never messed up. On May 25, people were walking around in plain clothes. We knew that there were people from the agencies who were breaking the vehicles.

"In Islamabad, it will be seen who the people stand with."

Imran Khan said that the big decision-making powers should know that we are doing everything according to the constitution and law. If this country is disintegrated, no one will be able to manage it. Let these people conduct fair and transparent elections in this country.

He says that 'I will fight against all these thieves and the system as long as I am alive.'