Fawad Khan, the dazzling hunk and remarkable ability, presently has a reaction to every one of our inquiries concerning adding more Bollywood titles to his list of qualifications in his new meeting with an unfamiliar based media source.

Fawad Khan, who has given worthwhile titles in Indian film notwithstanding his faultless work in the country. was found out if he'd have any desire to get back to Bollywood for work, to which the 'Ms Wonder' star said, "I despise struggle, I really keep away from it, and I hate it." "I, as well, loathe contention."

Getting back to the subject, Khan expressed, "I believe it's more whether or not another person would like to work with me, as opposed to me working with others, since fingers will be pointed at them."

"I'll go about my responsibilities and disappear however at that point individuals who'll need to endure are the people who will be who need to team up with me. What's more, I care about that since they are going to live there, and they will endure the side-effects."

"I have a staggering relationship with the people that I've worked with and made great companions," Khan said of his binds with individuals in the adjoining country. The organization with individuals I came to be aware and the sort of individuals I met there was a phenomenal encounter that I completely loved."

He likewise expressed that the 'political aftermath' between the two nations has not impacted his kinship with them and that he couldn't want anything more than 'to meet them again sometime in the not so distant future' and team up with them.